Music Therapy In The Special Education Setting


Contact: Maria Carron, MT-BC . 314-960-0475 . 6614 Clayton Rd #179 . St. Louis, Missouri 63117

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Midwest Music Therapy Services has been providing contracted music therapy services to school districts in the St. Louis area since 2000.  Services are provided in accordance with the students Individual Education Plan (IEP).  Students are referred for music therapy services by classroom teachers, speech, physical, or occupational therapists, psychologists, or parents.  The IEP team requests a music therapy assessment through the reevaluation process.  Recommendation for direct or indirect services is determined by the IEP team upon review of the results of SEMTAP (Special Education Music Therapy Assessment Process).  Based on professional assessment, a student must demonstrate responses that indicate music experiences are “educationally necessary.”  Music Therapy is considered a related service under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).